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Arrow Arrow Theater<br />Use of arts related material<br />Visual arts skills<br />Math<br />Movement<br />Fine Motor Skills<br />Connecting art and core content<br />Stage directions<br />Use of different mediums to express mastery of content<br />Guided illustrations<br />Work geared toward individual learning styles<br />Working at various levels Thinking creatively<br />Imagination<br />Visualizing<br />Willingness to create, destroy and re-create in different ways<br />Openness Problem solving<br />Attention to detail<br />Thinking critically<br />Inferencing<br />Analytical thinking ELA<br />Reading Comprehension/Expression<br />Social Studies<br />Writing<br />Vocabulary<br />Figurative Language<br />Retention of information Attitude toward learning<br />Strengthening classroom culture<br />Become more engaged and enthusiastic. Willingness to take risks<br />Following directions<br />Ability to express themselves<br />Focus and self control<br />Working as a team and with one another<br />Self confidence<br />Working independently<br />Social skills<br />Connections to emotions<br />Individualism<br />Willingness to express themselves<br />Discipline<br />Communication<br />Improved listening skills<br />Willingness to take more academic risk
Arrow Arrow Gentilly Terrace Elementary School Akili Academy Nelson Elementary School Langston Hughes Academy Dibert Community School McDonogh City Park Academy ARISE Academy Bethune Elementary School Morris Jeff Community School Behrman Charter School KIPP Central City Primary Fischer Accelerated Academy Alice M Harte Charter School Dwight D Eisenhower Elementary School New Orleans Science & Math Samuel J Green Charter School
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